Source code for bethesda_structs.archive._common

# Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Bunn <>
# MIT License <>

import os
import abc
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Callable, Generator
from pathlib import Path

import attr
from construct import Construct, Container, StreamError

from .._common import BaseFiletype

T_BaseArchive = TypeVar("BaseArchive")

[docs]@attr.s class ArchiveFile(object): """A generic archive file object that can be used for extracting. The purpose of this object is to provide some generic format for :func:`~BaseArchive.iter_files` to yield so that the :func:`~BaseArchive.extract` method can be abstracted away from the archive subclasses. """ filepath = attr.ib(type=str, converter=Path) """The relative filepath of the archived file. Returns: str: The relative filepath of the archived file """ data = attr.ib(type=bytes, repr=False) """The raw data of the archived file. Returns: bytes: The raw data of the archived file """ @property def size(self) -> int: """The size of the raw data. Returns: int: The size of the raw data """ return len(
[docs]@attr.s class BaseArchive(BaseFiletype, abc.ABC, Generic[T_BaseArchive]): """The base class all Archives should subclass. """ content = attr.ib(type=bytes, repr=False) filepath = attr.ib(type=str, default=None) container = attr.ib(type=Container, default=None, repr=False, init=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Initializes the non-init attributes. """ if self.filepath: self.filepath = Path(self.filepath) try: self.container = self.archive_struct.parse(self.content) except StreamError as exc: raise ValueError( ( f"parsing {self.__class__.__name__} archive struct is not large " f"enough, {exc}" ) ) @abc.abstractproperty def archive_struct(self) -> Construct: """The base archive structure to use for parsing the **full** archive. Raises: NotImplementedError: Subclasses must implement Returns: :class:`construct.Construct`: The archive structure """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, content: bytes, filepath: str = None) -> T_BaseArchive: """Create a :class:`BaseArchive` from a byte array. Args: content (bytes): The byte content of the archive filepath (str, optional): Defaults to None. Sets the filepath attribute for user's reference Raises: ValueError: If the given content is not of bytes Returns: :class:`BaseArchive`: An archive instance """ if not isinstance(content, bytes): raise ValueError( f"given content must be of bytes, recieved {type(content)!r}" ) return cls(content, filepath=filepath)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def iter_files(self) -> Generator[ArchiveFile, None, None]: """Iterates over the available files in the archive. Yields: ArchiveFile: An archive file Raises: NotImplementedError: Subclasses must implement """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def extract( self, to_dir: str, progress_hook: Callable[[int, int, str], None] = None ): """Extracts the content of the `BaseArchive` to the given directory. Args: to_dir (str): The directory to extract the content to progress_hook (Callable[[int, int, str], None], optional): Defaults to None. A progress hook that should expect (``current``, ``total``, ``current_filepath``) as arguments Example: >>> FILEPATH = "" # absolute path to BSA/BTDX archive >>> archive = bethesda_structs.archive.get_archive(FILEPATH) >>> archive.extract('/home/username/Downloads/extracted') Example: >>> def progress_hook(current, total, filepath): ... print((current / total) * 100.0) >>> FILEPATH = "" # absolute path to BSA/BTDX archive >>> archive = bethesda_structs.archive.get_archive(FILEPATH) >>> archive.extract( ... '/home/username/Downloads/extracted', ... progress_hook=progress_hook ... ) 0.0 12.2 12.2 12.67 12.67 50.4443 50.4443 70.0 70.0 92.1 92.1 100.0 Note: The provided progress hook is simple and two-stage. It is called once before a file is being written and once after the same file is done being written. """ if not os.path.isdir(to_dir): raise NotADirectoryError(f"no directory {to_dir!r} exists") to_dir = Path(to_dir) archive_files = list(self.iter_files()) total_size = sum(entry.size for entry in archive_files) current_size = 0 for entry in archive_files: to_path = to_dir.joinpath(entry.filepath) if callable(progress_hook): progress_hook(current_size, total_size, to_path.as_posix()) if not to_path.parent.is_dir(): to_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) with"wb") as stream: stream.write( current_size += entry.size if callable(progress_hook): progress_hook(current_size, total_size, to_path.as_posix())