Bethesda Structs Package

The following is the automatically built documentation for the entire bethesda_structs package. All objects that are considered to be handlers for a Bethesda file format are subclasses of BaseFiletype.

Plugins and Archives adhere to the following naming conventions.

In some cases (such as BSAArchive) this may seem repetitive (BSA[rchive]Archive). But, in this project, repetition is sacrificed for standardization.


Common resources for each module (including submodules) are placed in a file named for each module. Typically you will see abstract objects or module helper methods defined in these files.

They are important for contributors, but shouldn’t ever need to be seen by users.

class bethesda_structs._common.BaseFiletype[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

The base filetype for all supported file parsers.

classmethod can_handle(filepath)[source]

Determines if a given filepath can be handled by the archive.

Parameters:filepath (str) – The filepath to evaluate
Raises:NotImplementedError – Subclasses must implement
Return type:bool
classmethod parse(content, filepath=None)[source]

Create a BaseFiletype from a byte array.

  • content (bytes) – The byte content
  • filepath (str, optional) – Defaults to None. Sets the filepath attribute for user’s reference

NotImplementedError – Subclasses must implement


A filetype instance

Return type:


classmethod parse_stream(stream, filepath=None)[source]

Create a BaseFiletype from a file stream.

  • stream (io.BufferedReader) – A file stream to read from.
  • filepath (str, optional) – Defaults to None. Sets the filepath attribute for user’s reference.

ValueError – If the given stream is not of bytes


A filetype instance

Return type:


classmethod parse_file(filepath)[source]

Create a BaseFiletype from a given filepath.

Parameters:filepath (str) – The filepath to read from
Raises:FileNotFoundError – If the given filepath does not exist
Returns:A filetype instance
Return type:BaseFiletype